The do’s and don’ts of refinancing
When done correctly, refinancing can be a very powerful tool for investment however, it is important you consider your choices before jumping straight in. If you’re considering refinancing, read our list of do’s and don’ts first.
Tax planning tips to help you achieve the best possible return
As the tax year comes to a close, it's an important time to consider strategies to reduce your tax. Maher Group has prepared a list of tax tips that may apply to you or your business.
Prepare for changes to super guarantee
It’s important to prepare yourself for the upcoming changes to the super guarantee.
Federal Budget 2022-23
The 2022-23 Federal Budget is a safe, ballot box friendly Budget as expected with a focus on the cost of living, home ownership, and health.
2022 Small Business Support Program
If you are a business, sole trader or not-for-profit organisation in NSW and have been impacted by the recent COVID-19 wave, you may be eligible for the 2022 Small Business Support Program payment.
Charity Size Threshold Changes That May Affect Your Organisation
In an effort to reduce the burden of reporting for charities, the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission (ACNC) has introduced new thresholds for financial reporting. This update means that for some charities, the requirement to produce a financial report is no longer applicable, and for others that the financial report may be subject to a review instead of an audit.
5 Ways to Prepare Yourself For a Financially Successful 2022
The new year has officially begun, we’re back to work and settling into the routine again. Regardless of your current situation or goals - whether you’re accumulating wealth, ditching debt, starting your first job or planning for retirement - let’s start the year right with a healthy mindset towards money and finance.
Do you want to set the building blocks for your financial future?
If you’re just starting out on your financial journey, perhaps you have started your first job and you want to make the most of your income and reduce debt, such as a HECS debt or personal loan.
Is a self-managed super fund the right strategy for you?
If you are considering being the trustee of your own superannuation fund via a self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) you will be responsible for the ongoing management of the fund. This involves making investment decisions and ensuring the fund complies with relevant legislation.
Does your business need specialist financial advice?
Like us, some of our clients are small to medium sized business owners. They enjoy the freedom of running their own business, being their own boss and building relationships with their clients who value the service they provide. With hard work and careful planning, self-employment can bring financial and lifestyle rewards. But without the certainty of a regular income, being a small business owner requires support so you can grow and prosper.